This course will cover foundational concepts and advanced topics in privacy-enhancing technologies for connected and distributed systems. The content will focus on techniques for confidential communication, integrity, anonymity and reliability in networked systems. Additionally, the course will discuss challenges that arise in distributed setups with adversarial parties. Along the way, the material will introduce the necessary background in cryptography and show how cryptographic tools are used in real systems to provide the aforementioned guarantees.
The class is intended for graduate students who are interested in learning about the security and privacy challenges of modern (large-scale) systems. Class meetings will typically include regular instructions and discussions of offline reading resources. The content will cover material from textbooks and academic papers. Students are expected to complete a semester-long project, and present their work in class. Prior experience in security or privacy is not required but will be beneficial in better understanding the material.
Instructor: Anrin Chakraborti (
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 5:00pm–6:15pm (Central Time), BH 308
Prerequisites: CS 401; and CS 450 or CS 485; or consent of the instructor
Office Hours: Thursday 3:00pm - 4:00pm @ SEO 1326 (or by appointment)
Piazza: We will use Piazza for offline discussion and for announcements.
Warm-up assignment (5%)
Semester-Long Project (70%): The most important component of your grade. You will engage in a group project (maximum of 2 people). You will deliver a short report and present your work to the class towards the end of the semester. The project topics will be available in the first few weeks, or can be selected by the students. The
Reading Responses (20%): There will be reading assignments (academic papers) after every topic we cover. At the start of class there will be a short quiz asking you simple comprehension style questions about readings from the previous week.
Class Participation (5%): A small part of your grade comes from participation. Participation can be earned in several ways: i) being active on Piazza, i.e., answering and commenting on questions, ii) actively engaging in discussion and asking questions in class.
Date | Topic | Reading |
01/14 | Introduction | how to read a paper |
01/16 | Introduction to Cryptography | Demystifying the Threat-Modelling Process, |
01/21 | Class cancelled due to weather | Refer to the probability refresher |
01/23 | Perfect Secrecy | Sec 2.1 of Graduate Handbook |
01/28 | Computational Secrecy | Sec 2.2, 3.11 of Graduate Handbook |
02/04 | Block Ciphers | Sec 4 of Graduate Handbook |
02/06 | Key Exchange | Chapter 10 of Graduate Handbook |
As a student and member of the UIC community, you are expected to adhere to the Community Standards of academic integrity, accountability, and respect. Please review the UIC Student Disciplinary Policy for additional information. We abide by these standards in this course. All the work you submit must be your own; you should not use paraphrasing software like (QuillBot), or AI software for writing (like ChatGPT), or any AI tool for content generation (spell-checkers are allowed) – unless explicitly allowed to do so. All cases of plagiarism will be referred to the Dean of Students office, and depending on the severity of the offense, you risk being dismissed altogether from the course. The Dean’s office may further impose penalties including suspension and expulsion. If you have any question about whether some activity would constitute cheating, please feel free to ask.
UIC is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of university life. If you face or anticipate disability-related barriers while at UIC, please connect with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at, via email at, or call (312) 413-2183 to create a plan for reasonable accommodations. To receive accommodations, you will need to disclose the disability to the DRC, complete an interactive registration process with the DRC, and provide me with a Letter of Accommodation (LOA). Upon receipt of an LOA, I will gladly work with you and the DRC to implement approved accommodations.
Following campus policy, if you wish to observe religious holidays, you must notify me by the tenth day of the semester. If the religious holiday is observed on or before the tenth day of the semester, you must notify me at least five days before you will be absent. Please submit this form by email with the subject heading: “YOUR NAME: Requesting Religious Accommodation.”
UIC values diversity and inclusion. Regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic background, religion, political ideology, language, or culture, we expect all members of this class to contribute to a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environment for every other member of our class. If aspects of this course result in barriers to your inclusion, engagement, accurate assessment, or achievement, please notify me as soon as possible. If your name does not match the name on my class roster, please let me know as soon as possible. My pronouns are he/him. I welcome your pronouns if you would like to share them with me. For more information about pronouns, see this page:
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